A Kaddish for Steve Jobs
OCTOBER 5 2011
Brilliant Visionary
Eccentric genius
you blew your mind
and shared your trip
with the rest of us.
Unfortunate master
of Factory City Somewhere in Southern China old and young
risk disfigured hands assemble in deadly precision
Connect us
to everything but those hands
In Shenzhen City.
We wait, anticipate
coming soon
the new iphone 4 all the i’s the workers dot pod to pad
we live for the next breath of Air.
How well did you know about this city Apple built?
was it all just out of control like the rest of us Apple eaters. Are you just another pawn in the game another puppet in play the Mystics might say as we pretend all this is real.
Steve, i wonder where are you in the great Karmic Wheel of life where past present future are all one and already ran. where the game has already been won and lost.
Losing you rips through those of us
Who can only say Thank You
for connecting us
here there and everywhere
the fortunate.
Wishing you a good re-entry and round-trip ticket.
What will your next trip be?